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Thursday, March 5, 2020

Titration Curves Online Physics Tutors Tutorpace

Titration Curves Online Physics Tutors Tutorpace Titration is a chemistry laboratory method useful for finding the concentration of the unknown acid or unknown base.The experiment is properly analyzed in the form of graphs, and such graphs are known as titration curves. For an acid-base reaction, titration curves are graphed by taking the volume of the titrant (usually the base) on the X-axis and the pH of the solution on the Y-axis. These titration curves help us estimate the equivalence point which is the point where all of the acid has been neutralized by the titrant. Equivalence point is the point where just an enough base is added to get the acid neutralized. The equivalence point for a strong acid-strong base reaction is at pH= 7. Example 2: Graph the titration curve of a weak acid added to a strong base. When a weak acid is added to a strong base, half-equivalence point is attained, where just an enough base is added for half acid to be converted to conjugate base. The equivalence point is later attained at pH greater than 7. So the equivalence point for a weak acid-strong base is at pH higher than 7.

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